
Click the YOUTUBE link to access past services. 




We welcome you to join us following the worship service for a time of fellowship and refreshment in the Basement Fellowship Hall.  From September through May, at 11 am, Faith Formation classes for children provide an opportunity to learn about God through Bible stories and, for youth and adults, to explore the Christian faith from an Anabaptist perspective.

Jesus Doesn't Fit in a Box - Pastor Kara

Engaging Challenging Conversations - Malcolm McKinlay (Credence & Co.)

"Kissing Frogs and other Valentine's Intimacies" by G. Harder - Pastor Charleen Jongejan Harder

Listen! God is Calling! - Pastor Kara Carter

Anabaptist World Fellowship Sunday with communion - The Courage to Love - Pastor Charleen

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - Pulpit Exchange - Pastor Joanna Miller (St. James Lutheran)

Anointing Sunday - Passing Through the Waters - Pastor Charleen

Epiphany Sunday - Be Curious - Laura Morlock

Advent 4 - Embodying God's Spirit as Companions on the Journey - Pastor Kara

Advent 3 - On the Journey Together - Children & Youth present the Christmas Story

Advent 2 - Together on the Journey - Return to a God of Grace, Mercy and Love - Kendall Jongejan Harder

Advent 1 - On the Journey Together "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" - Pastor Kara