Children's Ministry


Elmira Mennonite Church strives to provide a safe space for all children, youth and adults. We believe that the church has spiritual, moral, legal, and societal obligations to ensure a safe environment. We follow a Safe Church Policy that includes several safety features. Some of these features include requiring parents to sign-in and sign-out young children from classrooms, regular volunteer training, reference checks for new volunteers, regular vulnerable sector police checks for volunteers who work with children and youth, and using a team approach where there are normally two adults present for all children and youth activities.


During the Sunday morning worship service, children are invited to come to the front of the sanctuary, with/without an accompanying parent, to hear a story and be led in a prayer.  Following the service, a simple snack is provided in the Basement Fellowship Hall.  At 11 am, the children are invited to participate in the Faith Formation program.



A quiet nursery with rocking chairs and a change table is available for babies/nursing moms.  A supervised preschool play area is available for children who have difficulty sitting through the entire service. The service is transmitted to both rooms.

Faith Formation

During COVID-19, Public Health guidelines were followed.  We are thankful that the lifting of restrictions has allowed Faith Formation classes to be held in person.  In addition, a number of outdoor walks have taken place, allowing children and their families to interact safely.

Usually from September through May, Faith Formation (Sunday School) classes are available for children age 2 through grade 8.  The SHINE curriculum is followed.



Circle of Grace

Circle of Grace is a Christian safe-environment curriculum that helps to educate children and youth about the value of positive relationships with God and others.  The curriculum is presented on an annual basis.

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Vacation Bible Camp

Vacation Bible Camp is offered each summer and is co-hosted with Floradale Mennonite Church at EMC. This is a free program for all children and junior youth entering JK-Grade 8.

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